Libya Accelerates Infrastructure Rebuilding with International Investment and Strategic Partnerships

As Libya seeks partners to rebuild its critical infrastructure and support economic recovery, international companies, particularly from Europe and the Middle East, are eager to participate in the country’s reconstruction efforts through public-private partnerships and direct investments. The Libya-Italy Roundtable and VIP Networking Evening, held in Rome on 23 September, highlighted Libya’s current infrastructure initiatives and the associated investment opportunities.

Efforts to restore Libya’s infrastructure are gradually gaining momentum, with the government rolling out key projects focused on electricity grids, transportation networks, and water supply systems. Several road and airport rehabilitation projects are also underway, led by the Eastern Libyan Government’s Reconstruction and Stabilization Committee.

In April, work commenced on a new airport in Benghazi, which will feature 12 gates, utilities, a free zone, air cargo, and transit infrastructure. This project aligns with the broader Benghazi Urban Plan, which aims to modernise and expand the city through improvements to urban infrastructure, water canals, green spaces, and access to essential services.

Meanwhile, a Chinese consortium, BFI, in collaboration with Tripoli-based Libyan Railroads, has launched a new railway development project in eastern Libya. Additionally, plans have been revived for the $4.5 billion, 554km Sirte-Benghazi rail project, which would connect the two Mediterranean port cities.

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