Accelerating Africa’s Transport Future: African Development Bank Transport Forum 2024

Accelerating Africa’s Transport Future: African Development Bank Transport Forum 2024

The upcoming second edition of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Transport Forum (ATF) is set to take place on September 18-19, 2024, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, under the theme “Africa on the Move—Accelerating Sustainable Transport and Logistics Connectivity.” This event will bring together senior leaders and experts from the transport sector for high-level panel discussions and presentations, focusing on sharing experiences and best practices, showcasing key projects, and addressing emerging challenges in African transport.

As Africa’s population is projected to double to 2.5 billion by 2050, with its economic output expected to triple by 2040, the demand for transport infrastructure and services will increase significantly. This growth, coupled with rising urbanisation, industrialisation, and international trade, will greatly expand transport needs at urban, rural, and regional levels. The Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) estimates that transport infrastructure and services will need to accommodate a six- to eight-fold increase in traffic, with even higher demands in landlocked countries.

The African Development Bank recognises the transport sector as vital for promoting inclusive growth and prosperity in collaboration with its Regional Member Countries. As Africa’s leading development institution, the Bank’s role extends beyond financing projects; it also champions knowledge sharing, facilitates networking among policymakers and stakeholders, and plays a pivotal role in shaping future policies for Africa’s transport sector. The ATF aims to reinforce these efforts by providing a platform for dialogue and collaboration, driving forward the sustainable development of transport and logistics connectivity across the continent.

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