Abidjan Metro Line Set To Transform Urban Mobility In Côte d’Ivoire

The Abidjan Metro Line 1 project, first conceived in 2010 with construction starting in 2023, is a critical infrastructure development for the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. It aims to provide a new, fast, and safe transport solution for over 500,000 people each day, boost the economy, and contribute to improved environmental and social conditions. The line is scheduled for service in 2029.

With nearly 6 million inhabitants, public transport is a significant challenge for the megacity of Abidjan. There is strong demand for an enhanced network, both in terms of quantity and quality, from the various towns that make up its districts, particularly from the population along the North-South axis.

The metro line will traverse the North-South axis of Abidjan, from Anyama Centre to Abidjan Airport, spanning 37.4 km on the surface, and will include 18 stations.

Société Générale acted as Lead Coordinating Bank, Sole Underwriter, Bookrunner, Mandated Lead Arranger, and Co-Lender in this €1.77 billion financing to design, build, operate, and maintain the metro line. Additionally, Société Générale played a crucial role in the Environmental & Social (E&S) structuring of the transaction and helped improve the design of the project to align it, as much as possible, with the highest E&S standards.

Société Générale’s involvement in financing this major public transportation solution highlights its position as a leading and trusted partner in infrastructure financing across the continent, particularly in the sectors of transport, environment, energy production and distribution, health, and telecommunications.

The companies involved in the project include:

  • Bouygues Travaux Publics
  • COLAS Rails
  • Alstom
  • Keolis

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